Sunday, 3 January 2010

about going shopping

I arose to beautiful pancakes coated in sugar, a wonderful start to a sunny but bitter Sunday. I munched them down with haste before returning to facebook to cast judgment on the happenings of others. After pondering and staying in a vegetative state, I was jolted into action and declared a trip to the retail park for retail therapy. A quick text to the other half confirmed my belief that the must be area of Merthyr Tydfil was, in fact, dead.
We went shopping around in the New Look, searching for a pair of skinny flare jeans. Well I found 5 pairs, dear readers, each unimpressive to me and as I squeezed my fat bum into the same pair, (but in a slightly different shade of blue), I started to wonder why I make the effort to look good. I need not impress anyone as I already have a boy who loves me. I concluded however that I dress well to keep hold of the boy I already own, as he would most likely start to stray if I suddenly started to wear jogging bottoms and baggy t-shirts; a unless musing but it proved groundbreaking to me.
I ended up using the last of my Christmas money on the mot adorable pair that are skinny and kick flare. I'm sure it is a breathe of fresh air for my wardrobe, who complains about my baggy boyfriend jeans and unflattering combats.
Now at 11.07pm, I am sat watching 'How to lose a guy in 10 days'. It is a mediocre film but is nonetheless pleasing to watch. I have discussed plans with the boy and made a list of items that we own between us, ready for a flat. I suppose I will see him next on Tuesday, as I must travel back to Bath tomorrow for my first official shift as a Lushette.
For now, I must retire to bed.

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